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Opening Doors To Our Wilderness Enviroments

Some of my best memories from Prescott College revolve around friends who introduced me to rock climbing. This was something I never thought I would be able to do... but I did! The experience was amazing. As was traveling to the Mogollon Rim, the Grand Canyon, the Granite Dells, and exploring the forests around Flagstaff with my Uncle Dave. As well as cycling through the forest (I know crazy...) but fabulous!

Gabrielle Scarlett Lambert Garcia

Website Creator & Webmaster

This is Dexter, my emotional support animal for a little more than 8 years now. He is fascinating to watch and work with and has grown to 5 feet long. He is a wonderful companion and loves to hang around my shoulders when I am working on the computer. He has a very calming nature.


My Emotional Support Animal for Over 8 Years


Herpetology or the study of Reptiles and Amphibians has opened my eyes and senses to the wonders of Nature as a whole.


My Sulcata Desert Tortoise has been with us for 3 years. When I got him he weighed only a few ounces and I could completely hide him in my closed hands. Now he weighs almost 20 pounds and has a terrific personality.


"Dexter after shedding his skin"

I wanted to show off his vibrant colors.

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